About our Christmas Trees
Every year, we are planting 60,000 new Christmas Trees, nearly double the number we are cutting down. This isn’t just because we want to grow the size of our Christmas Tree plantations.
The truth is, no matter how hard we try, not every Christmas Tree we grow will take on the beautiful shape and symmetry needed to sell. But a wonky Christmas Tree is still generating oxygen and absorbing CO2 every bit as well as a straight one, and we have many thousands of wonky Christmas Trees on our plantations!
There is a misconception that cutting down a Christmas Tree is bad for the environment and a pot-grown tree for replanting would be better. In fact, a fresh-cut Christmas Tree has a strong, positive environmental impact.

Did you know?
The average Christmas Tree has been growing for 10 years before it goes into your home, and it has been absorbing CO2 and generating oxygen throughout its life. Not only that, but Christmas Trees are grown specifically for this purpose, meaning every tree that is cut down is replaced by more: Christmas Trees are a fully regenerative crop.
At Stockeld Park, a Christmas Tree is for life, not just for Christmas.

Christmas Trees & Decorations
You don’t need a ticket to our Adventure Park to come and purchase a Christmas tree and visit our Christmas tree shop.
Just come along any day of the week between 9am and 8pm, free parking is available, and separate from the Adventure Park, we also have a beautiful gift shop with a stunning range of decorations and gifts!

Nordmann Firs
Our Christmas Trees are the Nordmann Fir (Abies Nordmanniana), also known as “non-needle drop Christmas Trees”.
With their beautiful dark green needles, distinctive straight trunk and natural symmetry, these trees are the best and most popular choice for families wanting a real Christmas Tree in the UK.
We also have one of the largest selections of traditional Norway Spruce in Yorkshire, which are the ideal Christmas Trees for outdoor use.

Christmas Trees and the Environment
Our Christmas Trees aren’t just a beautiful addition to your home at Christmas, they are also good for the environment.
Every day, the 500,000 Christmas Trees on our plantations are producing enough Oxygen to support 4,000 people, and they are also an important habitat for birds and many beneficial insects.
Our Christmas Trees are also absorbing some 600 tonnes of CO2 ever year. That’s the equivalent of 15,000 car journeys from Stockeld Park to London!