Terms & Conditions
Please read and understand the following terms and conditions carefully. They are binding for all visitors to Stockeld Park, and users of the websites, and will assist to ensure the Park remains a safe place in which to enjoy a fun and magical experience.
Failure to comply may result in a visitor’s removal from the park. You are deemed to accept these terms and conditions in their entirety by either entering the Park or purchasing a ticket.
1. Terminology
- ‘Stockeld Park’ operates ‘February Fun’, ‘The Easter Adventure’, ‘The Spring Adventure’, ‘Weekend Adventures’, ‘The Summer Adventure’, ‘Stockeld Rox’, ‘The Halloween Adventure’, ‘The Christmas Adventure’, ‘Winter Weekends’ and various other events throughout the year. These are all operated by the legal trading entity, Stockeld Farms Ltd. In these terms and conditions, any reference to one of the above or ‘the Park’ shall be deemed to also refer to all of the above unless otherwise stated.
- ‘Ticket holder’, ‘Visitor’ or ‘Guest’ shall mean any person entering Stockeld Park, for whatever reason, irrespective of whether or not they have purchased an entry ticket, activity ticket or event ticket.
- ‘Management’ and ‘Team’ shall mean directors, employees and other representatives of Stockeld Park, as commonly identified by their uniform and / or identity badges.
- ‘Adventure Zone’ shall mean any activity or area of play in Stockeld Park covered by either an entry charge or activity charge.
- ‘Minor’ shall mean any person under the age of 16.
- ‘Responsible Adult’ shall mean a person aged 18 or over who has responsibility for a Minor.
- ‘Tickets’ shall mean order confirmations, entry tickets, event tickets or wristbands.
2. General
- Stockeld Farms Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damage to individuals, vehicles or personal property, however arising, including (but not solely) any injury, distress, inconvenience or anxiety caused. The Ticket Holder assumes all risk and danger incidental to an Activity, Adventure Zone or Event, including any death, personal injury, loss, damage or liability. Where the Ticket Holder is a Minor, all risk and danger is assumed by their Responsible Adult.
- Stockeld Park will endeavour to ensure that as many advertised Adventure Zones, activities and events are open. Management reserve the right to close, cancel or alter the opening times or event programme due to inclement weather, technical reasons, where visitor capacity is reached, restrictions imposed by a third party or any other reasons without refund. Should Stockeld Park be unable to offer any usual attractions, management will endeavour to ensure the website is updated with all changes and closures. In circumstances where a change or closure is made at short notice, no refund shall be due whether or not the website is updated.
- Guests are expected to adhere to any government regulations and guidance in respect of restrictions in the area they live as well as Stockeld Park. For the avoidance of doubt, Stockeld Park is within the North Yorkshire County Council area so would be subject to restrictions imposed nationally or for that particular area. Where it is apparent that guests have not adhered to regulations or guidance, Stockeld Park reserves the right to refuse admission or remove guests from the park without refund.
- Stockeld Park is not open every day. Opening dates and times are at the discretion of the Management and no guest has the right to entry at any other time.
- Not all Adventure Zones are necessarily open all day every day.
- Stockeld Park reserves the right to refuse admission or remove from the Park (without refund) any Guest who:
- Behaves in a manner which, in the opinion of Management, is likely to endanger or affect the enjoyment of other visitors;
- Uses lewd, threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to other Guests, Management or Team;
- Does not follow written or verbal instructions;
- Behaves in a manner which may affect the health and safety of themselves, other Guests or Stockeld Team. Where the said Guest(s) is / are part of a larger group, the whole group may be refused admission or removed from the Park (without refund).
- Minors remain the responsibility of their parents or other supervising adult at all times. Supervising adults should ensure all minors are within sight and hearing throughout their visit. Where a minor is behaving in a manner described in Section 6 above, both the Minor and supervising adult will be asked to leave and / or removed from the Park. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not tolerate any actions which cause (or are likely to cause) injury to other guests or staff.
- Tickets or membership will automatically be deemed void and shall be revoked without a refund and/or compensation if Stockeld Park reasonably believes the holder to be a convicted child sex offender or subject to the notification requirements of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, or subject to the Sexual Risk Order, Child Abduction Notice, or any other restrictions or requirements that protects the safety and welfare of children, or which Stockeld Park reasonably judges could give rise to a breach of its commitment to the safeguarding of children. For the avoidance of doubt, no refund will be given in any such circumstances.
- All activities and Adventure Zones must be used in accordance with written and verbal instructions. Guests must remain on designated footpaths and in designated areas at all times. Climbing or standing on fences, barriers, walls, sculptures, buildings or bins is strictly prohibited and will be grounds for removal. Similarly the throwing of objects, especially at sculptures or into the lake is not allowed and will be grounds for removal.
- A fixed timeslot ticket for the Playhive is valid for 90 minutes from the time of entry to the play area. We cannot extend this period due to late arrival or any other unforeseen circumstances. We also cannot allow early entry. Children must be supervised (and in sight) at all times. All Minors require supervision by a responsible adult who has purchased a valid ticket and will not be allowed entry alone. Should a child be unable to access, climb or use a piece of equipment by themselves, we do not recommend anyone helping them and do not accept responsibility for any injury caused. No shoes or bare feet are allowed in the Playhive – all guests must wear socks or Playhive slippers (these can be purchased at the Playhive entrance). All signage relating to safe play on and usage of the equipment must be adhered to at all times. Stockeld Park does not accept any responsibility for the behaviour of other guests. We reserve the right to refuse admission or eject any guest and others in the party should the rules and guidelines not be adhered to.
- There are lockers available in the Playhive and, at times, other areas of the park. These are used entirely at the Guest’s risk. Stockeld Park accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to possessions left in lockers.
- Any Guest found to be damaging property, contents or grounds of Stockeld Park will be responsible for the cost of repairing that damage. Should the Guest be a Minor and unable to fully compensate, the responsible adult with the Guest will be responsible for the cost.
- Any person found engaged in criminal activity will be removed from the Park and reported to the Police. For the avoidance of doubt this includes criminal damage, possession of illegal drugs or possession of an offensive weapon. Guests agree to allow themselves and their vehicles to be searched by Management or The Stockeld Team if requested.
- Consumption of alcohol is only permitted when purchased from Stockeld Park and can only be consumed in designated areas. Anybody found to be under the influence of alcohol may be refused admission or escorted from the Park (without refund).
- Guests are welcome to bring their own picnics for consumption for their own direct family (i.e. parents or other primary care givers and their own children) outdoors. Due to Natasha’s Law, we are unable to allow picnics to be brought by a guest for non-direct family members; this includes if you are wanting to arrange your own party and picnic. We do not allow celebration cakes within our eateries unless a party package has been booked with us. Should you wish to bring a celebration cake for consumption outdoors, the same rules apply as for our booked birthday parties. We are unable to guarantee indoor picnic facilities to Guests at any time of year. You are not allowed to bring knives into Stockeld Park. You are welcome to bring your own baby food and milk. The reheating of baby food and milk using Stockeld Park’s equipment is entirely at your own risk.
- Whilst we will make every effort to accommodate food allergy sufferers and will provide guidance as to which menu items are suitable, Stockeld Park cannot guarantee the absence of any ingredient in anything sold from our shop or cafes. Any food items consumed are entirely at the Guest’s own risk.
- Smoking and vaping is only permitted in designated areas. Management reserve the right to eject anybody (without refund) found to be in violation of this clause. Smoking or vaping is strictly prohibited in all Adventure Zones, buildings, and queues. Smoking or vaping is not permitted anywhere in the Enchanted Forest due to the enhanced fire risk.
- Barbeques or fires are not permitted in any circumstances anywhere at Stockeld Park.
- We kindly request that chewing gum and bubble gum are not consumed on the premises.
- Dogs and other pets are not allowed in Stockeld Park, except fully harnessed assistance dogs. There are public footpaths within the Stockeld Park Estate. Dogs (or other animals) must not be left in vehicles whilst visiting. Management reserve the right to report any dog (or other animal) believed to be in (or at risk of being in) a distressed state having been so left and, if Management deem it necessary, to break into the car entirely at the owner’s expense.
- The Equality Act lays out that in relation to protecting the rights of a disabled people, an Assistance dog means
(a) a dog which has been trained to guide a blind person;
(b) a dog which has been trained to assist a deaf person;
(c) a dog which has been trained by a prescribed charity to assist a disabled person who has a disability that consists of epilepsy or otherwise affects the person’s mobility, manual dexterity, physical coordination or ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects;
(d) a dog of a prescribed category which has been trained to assist a disabled person who has a disability (other than one falling within paragraph (c)) of a prescribed kind.The Equality and Human Rights Commission states that assistance dogs:- are highly trained
- will not wander freely around the premises
- will sit or lie quietly on the floor next to its owner and are trained to go to the toilet on command and so are unlikely to foul in a public place
- Most are instantly recognisable by the harness or identifying dog jacket they wear they wear.
It is not a legal requirement for Assistance Dog users to provide ID but all ADUK members issue the people and dog partnerships they work with ID booklets.
- Emotional Support Animals (including Emotional Support dogs) will not be permitted at Stockeld Park
- No Guest is allowed to enter, paddle or swim in the lake. Anyone found so doing will be removed from the Park (without refund).
- Given the family nature of Stockeld Park, we reserve the right to refuse entry to groups of adults (over the age of 18), teenagers or single adults with no accompanying children. If you are meeting a family group, please arrange to do so prior to buying your tickets. Entry to The Christmas Adventure to single adults or groups of adults is permitted but is at Management’s discretion.
- There will be no entry allowed without a valid ticket.
- Visitors park their vehicles entirely at their own risk. Stockeld Park cannot guarantee the security of vehicles, their contents or any damage caused. All visitors must comply with one-way traffic systems, speed limits and the directions of a Stockeld Team member when using the car park areas and other Estate roads. No vehicles are allowed to remain in the car parks outside of opening hours without the express permission of Management.
- For health and safety reasons we recommend that sensible clothing and footwear is worn at all times. In particular, long sleeves, clothing covering the knees, socks and closed-toe shoes are recommended. Stockeld Park is a family attraction and we ask that all visitors dress appropriately. The wearing of clothing which, in the opinion of Management, is inappropriate is not permitted. Shoes (with the exception of when in the Playhive, where socks or Playhive Slippers should be worn) and tops must be worn at all times. Some Adventure Zones require flat closed-toe shoes.
- No specific protective measures need to be worn at Stockeld Park, unless there are requirements in line with current Government restrictions. However, if you wish to wear appropriate protection such as face mask and / or gloves, please ensure you bring these with you.
- Given the nature of the park and woodland environment, some surfaces may be uneven, slippy and also muddy. Stockeld Park accepts no liability for injury, loss or damage as a result of this.
- Age and / or height restrictions apply at certain Adventure Zones and activities. Visitors must adhere to these.
- With the exception of the interactive elements of sculptures in the Enchanted Forest or Maze, sculptures and lights must not be touched. Fences and other boundaries must not be climbed over, stood / sat on or crossed.
- CCTV cameras are in operation throughout Stockeld Park for the purpose of security and the protection of our visitors.
- In the event of a fire alarm or other emergency, irrespective of whether it proves to be genuine or not, the Park may need to be evacuated in order to protect all Guests, Team Members and Management. Stockeld Park does not accept any liability for any delay or closure, nor is it liable to refund part or all of the ticket.
- If the Company is prevented or hindered from operating (or partially operating) by a Force Majeure (herein defined as any circumstances beyond the control of the Company including, but not limited to,acts of God, adverse weather conditions, war, civil disturbance, order of a Government Ministry or department or local authority, fire, flood, natural disaster, royal demise, labour dispute, breakdown of services including transport, death or illness of a key person, lack of power and delays or shortages by suppliers), the Company may suspend operations for a period of time. In these circumstances, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or consequential loss suffered by the Guest and the Guest shall not be entitled to take any steps against the Company for breach or to terminate this agreement.
- We accept no responsibility for lost property and reserve the right to dispose of any items found. In any event, all lost property is disposed of at the end of each season.
- From time to time Stockeld Farms Ltd (or other authorised parties) carries out photography, filming or other forms of recording at Stockeld Park which may feature Guests. By accepting these regulations, you agree that Stockeld Farms Ltd or any other authorised party may use such images or likenesses in any promotional, advertising or publicity material in any format whatsoever.
- Only persons authorised by Stockeld Farms Ltd may carry out photography, filming or other forms of recording for anything other than personal use.
- Only persons authorised by Stockeld Farms Ltd are permitted to sell or offer for sale any items to Guests within the boundaries of the Park or the wider Stockeld Park Estate, including the car park, entrance and exit roads and the public highway. Any unauthorised persons found trying to sell items will be immediately removed.
- All complaints must be addressed to Management on the day of your visit. In the event that Management is unable to resolve the complaint at the time, complaints should be directed to Stockeld Farms Ltd via email to customersupport@stockeldpark.co.uk within 14 days of your visit. We endeavour to respond to all complaints within 28 days of receipt. Should you wish to escalate your complaint further, you should do so in writing by first class post to The Adventure Park Office, Stockeld Park, Wetherby, LS22 4AN within 7 days of the response to your email.
- All decisions by Management and The Stockeld Team are final and binding.
- Should you choose to share your photo, video or other media with us via the website or a social media platform, you guarantee that you have, each and every time, all required permissions, including from copyright and other intellectual property rights. You agree that Stockeld Park may use and / or share such photos, videos or other media on any platform it chooses without further compensation.
3. Tickets & Refunds
- Tickets should be purchased via the Stockeld Park website. Whilst tickets may be purchased onsite at certain times of the year, this is always subject to availability and entry will be refused should the site be at capacity. Tickets must be booked for ALL persons attending, including (but not only) members, children under 2, and carers. Where tickets are booked for those with free entry, proof may still be requested on entry.
- All tickets remain the property of Stockeld Farms Ltd and are non-transferable, non-exchangeable, non-refundable and void if defaced or altered. Tickets cannot be sold, at any price, to any third party without the written prior permission of Management. Lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced.
- Tickets are only valid on the day of issue or, if purchased online in advance, the date stated.
- Wristbands will be issued on entry which must be worn by all guests at all times. If a guest has a disability which means wristbands cannot be worn, please report this on entry and alternative arrangements will be made.
- Stockeld Park is under no obligation to consider any requests for date changes and will not consider any requests for refunds. All requests to change ticket dates must be submitted by email to customersupport@stockeldpark.co.uk by 9am on the date of your visit and must include an alternative date within the same season. Any requests after this time will not be considered. Any alternative date requested, if granted, will be subject to availability and may incur additional charges. All decisions are at the discretion of the management and shall be final.
- All persons entering the Park must hold a valid ticket. If re-entry into the Park on the same day is required, you must ensure you have the correct colour wrist band displayed on re-entry.
- Children under the age of 2 are free to enter Stockeld Park, with the exception of certain special events as detailed in Section 8, although they still require a ticket to be booked. Under 2 tickets are free of charge unless purchased as part of a package including the grotto or other events. Please understand that we may request proof of age of an individual. If no proof is available, we will charge for the individual, but will refund if proof of age and copies of tickets and receipts are emailed to customersupport@stockeldpark.co.uk within 14 days of your visit.
- Tickets for Santa’s Grotto, or any other activity or event where a present is part of the ticket must be purchased for all who wish to visit, irrespective of age. Babes in arms (under 6 months old), within a family, are exempt from this requirement, unless you wish for them to receive a grotto gift.
- Discounts and offers may be available from Stockeld Park. All such discounts and offers have limited availability. We reserve the right to withdraw or vary these discounts and offers at any time without notice. Any discounts and offers may not be available for certain days and times, which is entirely at the discretion of Stockeld.
- Discounts and offers may be available from a number of external organisations. We reserve the right to withdraw or vary these discounts and offers at any time without notice. Discounts and offers may not be available on certain days and times.
- Any third-party promotions are subject to the terms and conditions provided by the third-party supplier. We are not a party to and will not in any circumstances become involved in or liable for any dispute arising out of or in connection with them. We reserve the right to reject any promotional voucher or discount code for any reason. There are some sites offering invalid promotional codes. We will not honour or accept any such code.
- Registered disabled guests who have paid for a ticket are entitled to be accompanied by a carer aged 18 or over on production of a Max Card or written confirmation from the DWP of DLA or PIP. Carers are entitled to a half-price park entry ticket. This only applies to standard entry or core activities (such as ice skating); paid-for events and extra activities (including boats, laser tasters and the train) require all guests to be paid for.
- We cannot issue refunds for the reason of adverse weather conditions, whether tickets are purchased in advance or on the day.
- With effect from 5 April 2025 to 14 September 2025, we offer a ‘Rainy Day Inflatables Guarantee’. The following terms apply to the Rainy Day Inflatables Guarantee:
- This Guarantee is available to anybody who has pre-booked tickets online and cannot be exchanged or transferred
- This Guarantee does NOT apply to Laser or Adventure parties, laser taster tickets, complimentary tickets, discounted bookings made via Wowcher or other agents, discounted group bookings or Playhive Only tickets (if available).
- If the weather means the inflatables are fully closed continuously for 2 hours (or 3 hours in total), you may collect a return pass on leaving the park. The return pass will allow you to return and use the outdoor areas any day we are open up September 14th 2025.
- All decisions regarding the period of rain and instigation of the Rainy Day Inflatables Guarantee shall be made by the Shift Manager for the day and shall be final.
- To qualify for this guarantee, you must have visited Stockeld Park on your original booking date and collect a return pass from our Ticket Office on departure. We cannot honour this offer if you do not collect a return pass on leaving the park and accept no liability if you choose to leave the park before the 2 (or 3) hours are completed.
- There is no need to rebook for your return visit but the Return Pass must be presented at the Ticket Office on arrival. You will be able to pay to upgrade to the Playhive at this point if you choose, subject to availability.
- This offer will only be valid with presentation of a legible, undamaged Return Pass. You will be asked to sign the Pass on the day of your original visit and re-sign on arrival for your return visit. If these signatures do not match, are illegible or have been completed without the presence of a Stockeld Park team member, or the Pass is damaged in any other way, you will not be entitled to admission and the Pass will be retained by Stockeld Park staff.
- This Guarantee is only valid for a single return visit. You cannot receive another Return Pass should it rain again
- No cash alternative is available, nor will the Return Pass be honoured after 14 September 2025.
- No Return Pass will be accepted for any alternative season such as The Halloween Adventure or The Christmas Adventure
- Should the Rainy Day Inflatables Guarantee be instigated on either September 14th or 15th 2024, a return pass shall be issued which shall be valid for weekend openings from April 26th 2025 to May 18th 2025 only.
- Stockeld Park reserves the right to refuse entry and withdraw the Rainy Day Inflatables Guarantee at any time
- The Rainy Day Inflatables Guarantee is not applicable to any opening from Halloween to Spring inclusive but may be reintroduced for weekends and Adventures in 2026.
- Tickets purchased online must be presented on the day on your phone. All queries for online bookings should be directed to customersupport@stockeldpark.co.uk.
- PlayHive slippers are not refundable in any circumstances once worn. Defects in slippers must be reported at point of purchase. PlayHive slippers are designed for indoor use in the PlayHive only and have a limited lifespan intended for single-use.
- Gift and other vouchers are usually valid for 12 months from the date of issue, unless the voucher is issued for a specific reason and an alternative validity period is notified to you at the time.. There will be no extension to this or refund if the voucher is not used. Management reserve the right to shorten the validity period should a voucher be issued in exceptional circumstances.
- Supervision guidelines (as detailed in Section 5) apply to all tickets purchased. If it becomes evident that tickets have not been purchased in accordance with these, further tickets will need to be purchased at the time of your visit. Entry will be refused (with no refund) if supervision guidelines are not complied with.
- In some instances, we reserve the right to cease online ticket sales.
- An administration fee of the greater of £5 or 10% of the transaction value will be payable for any amendments to online bookings.
4. Memberships
- All memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable.
- Stockeld Park may offer limited period memberships at certain times of the year. These will be restricted in number and the price may vary. Should a membership sell out, this will be withdrawn from sale.
- A membership holder is deemed to be a Guest and therefore bound by all terms and conditions.
- Stockeld Park will not refund all or any part of a membership should we be forced to close any or all of the Adventure Zones at any time, nor does Stockeld Park guarantee it will be open for the same seasons every year
- Any membership cards or passports that are lost or stolen my be replaced once only for an administration fee of £5 per individual upon presentation of proof of purchase.
- All memberships remain the property of Stockeld Farms Ltd and can be withdrawn at any time in the event of fraud or misuse.
- All member details must be completed in your online account and photographs of all members included in each membership must be uploaded. Should a membership not have a photo uploaded, we reserve the right to refuse entry on arrival.
- All members must present with valid identification for each holder at the Ticket Office on every visit.
- A membership does not guarantee entry to Stockeld Park. Entry must be booked online for any planned visits to ensure capacity is not breached. Admission may be refused if entry has not been pre-booked. Membership also does not guarantee anytime access to the Playhive unless this product has been pre-booked. For certain seasons anytime access to the Playhive is not included in the membership.
- A membership may limit the number of advance bookings which the holder can make. This will be made clear at the time of purchase. Should a membership be abused, Stockeld Park reserve the right to suspend or cancel a membership.
- Stockeld Park holds data on membership holders and have the right to use that data to communicate with membership holders holders. Data will not be sold or passed on to third parties.
- Supervision guidelines, as detailed in Section 5, must be adhered to by all members and associated family members. Any breach of these can result in the membership being removed without recompense.
- Stockeld Park reserves the right to withdraw a membership should it be shown that the membership has been abused in any way whatsoever, without full or partial refund. In addition, where this abuse has resulted in a financial loss to Stockeld Park, Stockeld Park reserves the right to pursue compensation from the membership holder. For the avoidance of doubt, abuse shall include (but is not solely) the use of a membership to gain free or discounted admittance to non-members or booking tickets and not attending without notification to Stockeld Park 24 hours before the date and time of the visit by email to customersupport@stockeldpark.co.uk
- Failure to give 24 hours notice will result in your membership being frozen for a period of 2 weeks where you’ll be unable to book or visit the park.
5. Supervision
- All Minors (paying and non-paying) under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult aged 18 or over at all times. We recommend that one adult should be responsible for a maximum of 5 Minors. The responsible adult must supervise those Minors in all adventure zones and activities at all times. Supervision ratios are entirely the decision of the responsible adult(s), and must be reduced below the recommended maximum if the responsible adult(s) believe it to be necessary. This is not only for the safe-keeping of the park, but also in case of a medical emergency.
- Stockeld Park accepts no responsibility for the supervision of Minors – this is the sole responsibility of the accompanying responsible adult(s). If Management deem the supervision to be insufficient or not in accordance with the Park’s guidelines, we reserve the right to escort the entire group from the Park.
- It is solely the decision of the responsible adult to decide whether an Adventure Zone, or any piece of equipment within a Zone, is suitable for an individual child. Stockeld Park accepts no responsibility for that decision. Supervision guidelines may change at short notice. Stockeld Park is suitable for all ages. However, some attractions within the Park have specific guidelines. Currently they are as follows:
- Skating – All skaters under 8 years must be accompanied on the rink at all times by a skating parent / guardian (18 years or over). Children aged 8 to 16 should be accompanied at the side of the rink by a parent / guardian (18 years or over). Please note helmets and protective pads are available. It is at the absolute discretion of the responsible adult to choose whether they are used.
- Playhive – we believe play should be self-determined. Children must be supervised (and in sight) at all times. Should a child be unable to climb, access or use a piece of equipment, we do not recommend assisting them and accept no responsibility for any injury caused.
- Buccaneer Boats – suitable for heights of 102cm and over. 102cm – 112cm must be accompanied on the boat by a responsible adult, 112cm and above are able to ride solo.
- Go Karts – minimum age 5 years
- Tractor Zone – minimum age 2, maximum age 5. The ages are shown on signage; it is the responsibility of the responsible adults to adhere to the age restrictions and also ensure the equipment is kept within the are of the Tractor Zone.
- Maze – suitable for all ages. All minors must be accompanied into the Maze by an adult.
- Enchanted Forest – suitable for all ages. All minors must be accompanied into the Enchanted Forest by an adult.
- Adventure Play Zones – we try not to limit age ranges as we feel that play is spontaneous and should be self-determined based on the individual child’s ability. Minors should be kept in view at all times.
- Whilst we try to ensure go karts and inflatables are supervised by a member of our Team, we are not responsible for the behaviour of guests on these or any other of our Activities and Zones.
- Shop, Playhive Pizzeria café and picnic areas – all minors must be accompanied at all times. Any damage caused by a Minor will be charged to the parent / guardian.
- In the case of a medical emergency for an unaccompanied minor, we reserve the right to treat the minor in the absence of a responsible adult.
6. Parties
- Parties require a minimum deposit amount equivalent to 10 children which is payable online to secure your booking.
- Parties must be fully paid for at least 48 hours before the party date, unless by prior arrangement.
- The minimum number of participants is 10, and the maximum is 20 for Skate and Playhive and Adventure Parties and 26 for Laser. If you require any more than the maximum, please contact Stockeld Park direct before booking on customersupport@stockeldpark.co.uk
- We understand that it is not always easy to be certain of party numbers when booking. We recommend you book for the minimum number you expect to attend. Confirmation of final numbers must be made by email to party@stockeldpark.co.uk at least 48 hours before the day of the party. If the number changes from the original booking by more than 10, we cannot guarantee to be able to accommodate or provide food for all participants, although we will endeavour to do so.
- Supervision guidelines and ratios must be adhered to at all times.
- For Playhive Adventure Parties, we allow up to 1 free adult for each child booked and an additional adult for the party child. All other adults who need or wish to participate will be charged. We cannot guarantee seating within the party eating area for more than 6 adults. The party eating area will be available to a party for 1 hour, starting 15 minutes prior to the children eating. Any decorations must be agreed in advance and cannot be attached to any part of the party area. Only weighted balloons are permitted. Additional adults or siblings will be charged at the normal entry price and must be booked in advance.
- All laser party bookings are taken subject to ground and weather conditions. Should the conditions result in play not being possible, we reserve the right to transfer any booking to a Playhive Adventure Party instead.
- The food offering for all parties is a selection of pizza and juice to drink. Carrot and cucumber sticks will be available to Playhive Adventure parties. We do not allow any other food to be brought in due to Natasha’s Law. We will only consider allowing food to be brought in where that food is for a named individual with a dietary requirement, and where a responsible adult is there for that individual to ensure the food is not shared with others.
- Shop-bought birthday cakes, unopened and in their original packaging, will be allowed providing there is a full list of ingredients and allergens on the box. Unfortunately, due to Natasha’s Law, we are unable to allow home-made cakes or cakes which do not have an official list of allergens and ingredients. You are not allowed to bring your own knife, and the birthday cake must be cut by Stockeld Park team in a designated area away from the children. If you wish for the children to eat the cake at the party, you must ensure you have full details of all childrens’ dietary requirements. The cake slices will be handed to the party child’s parent, who will be wholly responsible for giving the cake slices to the children and entirely at your own risk. Candles are allowed but unfortunately our fire systems are too sensitive to allow any sparklers, indoor fireworks or other pyrotechnics.
- In the event of cancellation (or a reduction in the number of party children) 28 days or more before the party date, 100% of the associated transaction value will be transferred onto a voucher to be used within 12 months. Cancellation (or a reduction in the number of party children) between 8 and 27 days before the party will be charged at 50% of the associated transaction value, with the balance being transferred to a voucher to be used within 12 months. There will be no refund or voucher issued for any party cancellation (or reduction in the number of party children) within 7 days of the party date.
- Parties are only available on certain dates and at certain times. We reserve the right to change these at any time.
- We do not offer party packages without food, nor do we allow party hosts or guests to bring their own food to eat in our eating or picnic areas due to Natasha’s Law. The same rules apply for birthday cakes as in clause 9 above.
7. Schools & Organised Group Bookings
- Schools and organised groups must be pre-booked at least 7 days in advance. The booking form must be completed and a (non-refundable) deposit equivalent to 15 paying guests paid at the time of booking. The balance due must be paid in advance at least 48 hours before your visit. Organised groups which have not paid by the time of the visit will not be allowed entry, unless by prior written agreement with Management.
- An organised group is any group which has a connection with a charity, business or other recognised organisation. Large family groups are not organised groups.
- The minimum number of paying visitors for a schools or organised group booking is 15 to qualify for the discounted group prices. If final numbers are below 15, the group will no longer qualify for the discounted group prices or free supervisor tickets and our standard tariffs will apply.
- Supervision guidelines and ratios must be adhered to (see clause 5).
- We allow 1 free supervisor aged 18 or over for every 5 tickets pre-booked. If members of the group require additional assistance, please contact us on customersupport@stockeldpark.co.uk.
- Where a group includes children under the age of 2 who are therefore free, entitlement to group rates and free adult supervisors will only be based on those members of the group who require paid tickets. Adult supervisors for children under the age of 2 must be paid for at the group rate.
- Any requests for seating in the cafes must be clearly stated at the time of booking. Whilst we always try to satisfy these, Stockeld Park cannot guarantee to satisfy all such requests, or that all members of a group will be seated together.
- School/Group bookings are only accepted during busy periods at the discretion of the Management team.
- Should a school / group booking be cancelled within 14 days of the visit date, we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee equivalent to the deposit
8. Special Events
- Events are run throughout the year, which shall be advertised on our website from time to time. By purchasing an event ticket, you agree to abide by all our terms and conditions
- Participants in all special events are required to adhere to all Stockeld Park’s terms and conditions.
- Stockeld Park reserves the right to alter or cancel events at short notice.
- For paid-for events, all children, whether sleeping or not, except babes-in-arms must purchase a ticket. We define a babe-in-arms as any child less than 6 months old.
- Where there are scheduled performances, we regret that late arrivals will not be admitted unless or until there is a suitable break in the performance. There will be no refunds for late arrivals.
- We shall not refund advance ticket sales for special events under any circumstances.
- For Stockeld Rox, the following additional terms apply:
- The contents or programme of each event and the prices are as quoted on our website from time to time. We reserve the right to reduce or alter the contents or programme of any event at any time.
- The ticket price of an event may vary from time to time
- Do not buy tickets from unlawful street traders, touts or in any other way (eg via social media) – the tickets will be invalid and you will be refused entry.
- Whilst we endeavour to accommodate any visitor with a disability, this may not be possible. We advise you to contact our customer support team before you purchase tickets.
- All minors aged under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult aged 18 or over.
- Proof of age may be requested on entry and / or when purchasing alcohol
- You may be bag / body searched on entry. Any person carrying out illegal activities will be handed over to Police and admission will be refused
- Anti social behaviour will result in eviction from the site
- You may bring a picnic to the event. You are NOT permitted to bring your own alcohol. Soft drinks in clear plastic bottles or cans only (no glass bottles) will be allowed. Fires and / or barbeques are not permitted.
- There will be loud music, pyrotechnics, fireworks, lasers, smoke machines, strobe lighting and special effects.
- You give your express consent to being included for no fee within any audio or visual recording to be used in any media for any purpose at any time.
- Any buses, coaches or trucks must be booked in prior to the event.
- Attempting to record any aspect of the attraction is forbidden. If you break this rule, you will be escorted off site, without refund. You will also be expected to destroy the recording.
9. Christmas Tree Home Delivery
- We will make delivery to the threshold of the customer’s property.
- We do not offer an installation service of room of choice.
- If the customer is not in as per our booking, a re-delivery charge will apply.
- We can offer to leave the tree in a safe place of with a neighbour but we will not be held liable for any damage or loss of goods.
- If we are late and cannot deliver goods on the date of choice, we will automatically put forward your delivery to the next available working day.
- Delays can occur due to matters beyond our control i.e. inclement weather and these delays would not qualify for a delivery refund.
10. Website
- This website and its content are the copyright of Stockeld Farms Ltd. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited. You may print or download those parts of the website which expressly state this is permitted. You may not, without our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.
- We endeavour to ensure the accuracy of all information on this website. However, Stockeld Farms Ltd will not be liable in relation to the contents of, or use of this website for any loss whatsoever. This limitation of liability applies even if Stockeld Farms Ltd has been expressly advised of the potential loss.
- Stockeld Farms Ltd cannot guarantee any links to third party sites nor accept any liability in respect of content of any such sites. Any links from a third party site to the Stockeld park (or any other owned domains) may only be made with our express prior written consent. If you would like to obtain consent please write to customersupport@stockeldpark.co.uk.
11. Competitions
- Any Competition must be entered in each Entrant’s own name; it may not be entered on behalf of anyone else. No bulk, software-generated, automatic, or third-party entries shall be accepted. If a false name is used, that Entry will be disqualified.
- Each Entrant is limited to one Entry per day. If more than one Entry per Entrant is received per day, or if any Entrant attempts to submit more than one Entry by using the same, multiple or different names or email addresses, all such Entries may be deemed void and that Entrant may be disqualified from the Competition.
- Only Entries that have been completed correctly and in full will be entered into the Competition.
- Stockeld Park does not accept any responsibility for late, lost, delayed or damaged Entries and cannot be held responsible for any inability to submit Entries as a result of computer service, systems and/or server failure, error, interruption, defect or delay or any other technical malfunction.
- Any prize draw is run by Stockeld Park, whose registered address is The Adventure Park, Stockeld Park, Wetherby, North Yorkshire, LS22 4AN
- Competitions are not open to employees of Stockeld Park, their immediate families, their agents or related third parties who are directly connected with the prize draw.
- By entering a competition or prize draw, entrants must be aware of and agree to be bound to these Terms and Conditions and any other terms of entry, rules or instructions as published.
- Any competition prize is as stated and no part of it can be sold or exchanged for cash, goods or services unless specifically agreed in writing by Stockeld Park.
- All reasonable efforts will be made to contact competition winners but if they are declined or unclaimed by the winners, or if the winners cannot be contacted the original entry/ nomination will then be forfeited, and no replacement will be chosen.
- All Entrants agree not to discredit, denigrate or bring into disrepute Stockeld Park, its products and services or its business partners and confirm that they have no reason to believe that their participation in a competition will have such an effect.
- Stockeld Park reserves the right to extend, amend or withdraw any competition or any part of it without prior notice or compensation, where this is due to circumstances beyond its control.
- Stockeld Park’s decision shall be final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.
13. Law and Jurisdiction
- These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law. Any dispute will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.