Accessibility & Inclusion
We want all our guests to feel welcome and included at Stockeld Park. Everyone should have the freedom to play and have fun.

Disabilities take many different forms, both visible and invisible, and we are working hard to make Stockeld Park as inclusive as possible for all our disabled guests.
To us, accessibility and inclusion comprises several elements:
The physical accessibility of the Park including paths, open spaces, play areas and installations.
What is available in each play area for disabled guests to enjoy, but as importantly to make it possible for disabled and able-bodied siblings or friends to be able to play alongside one another at the same time.
How our team are trained to communicate intelligently and empathetically with disabled guests and do what we can to help maximise their enjoyment and inclusion at Stockeld.
How we communicate our policies and what is available to our disabled guests on the Park, both before arrival and when you are here on the ground.

Recently, we have done much to increase accessibility and inclusion at Stockeld, both in terms of what we offer and how that is communicated.
Earlier this year tarmacked the nearly one-mile trail through the Enchanted Forest along with the two miles of trails through our Magical Maze.
We recognise that accessibility doesn’t just mean being physically able to get from A to B, but also having something to do when you get there!

Recent changes
We have made several changes to a number of our play areas to make them more physically accessible and to increase the number of installations and activities that disabled guests can enjoy.
However, we are still on a journey and this evolution will take time. Not all our play areas are fully accessible at present, nor do we have activities for disabled guests to enjoy in every area.
Below is more detail on accessibility and inclusion at Stockeld for guests with disabilities.
For more information, see our FAQs below, or contact us!